Mr. Daxter has over 20 years of experience in exploration and mining across Australia, Africa, and Canada. He is a geologist with a vast background in remote and challenging projects within the gold, lithium, and iron ore sectors. He recently held the role of Exploration Manager with Ardiden Limited (ASX: ADV) for over 4 years and has held various senior roles in Operations, Project Management, Logistics, and has an impressive track record in delivering results whilst adding shareholder value. Mr. Daxter holds a Bachelor of Geoscience in Mineral Deposits and is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG).
Johnathan More previously served as President, CEO and Director of Power Metals Corp (formerly Aldrin Resource Corp) from October 30, 2008 through April 5, 2017. Mr. More has over 20 years of experience in North American and European capital markets focused on natural resource industries. He had a history of achievement from his years with Canaccord Capital. In August 2008, Mr. More retired from Canaccord Capital as an investment advisor to apply his experience and contacts to the public company sector.
Cyrus Driver is a chartered accountant and was founding partner in the firm of Driver Anderson since its inception in 1981. He is a retired partner in the firm of Davidson and Company LLP after merging with them in 2002. Whilst providing general public accounting services to a wide range of clients, he specializes in servicing TSX Venture Exchange-listed companies and members of the brokerage community. He also serves on the boards of several listed companies. His wide knowledge of the securities industry and its rules have enabled him to give valuable advice to clients within the industry with respect to finance, taxation and other accounting related matters.
Mr. Bein has 17 years of experience in the exploration and mining industry where he has gained world-class knowledge and expertise in several mineral deposit types that include LCT pegmatite, VMS, SEDEX, porphyry-skarn, and orogenic-gold. He began his career as a field geologist while working for several junior mineral exploration companies in the Arabian Nubian Shield between 2005 and 2008. Mr. Bein worked in the Bathurst Mining Camp between 2008 and 2010 while completing his graduate studies at University of New Brunswick. Mr. Bein worked for Hudbay Minerals for more than ten years and was able to experience the full mining cycle, including the discovery of 1901 deposit and closure of the Reed mine. At Hudbay, Mr. Bein led several regional and near-mine exploration programs in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Arizona. He joins Power Metals from Rock Tech Lithium where he led an exploration team that executed extensive exploration drilling and field exploration programs that enabled growth of mineral resources and discovery of several spodumene pegmatite prospects at Rock Tech’s Georgia Lake project.
Mr. Butler is a geologist who brings over 30 years of international industry experience in exploration, resource modelling and mining. He actively engages in property acquisitions, development and divestment and has been involved in several mine developments, both open cast and underground mines. Mr. Butler has served on several boards of Directors of listed companies in Canada and Australia. Recent roles include having worked for Kinross Gold Corporation for 8 years in Canada, USA, Brazil, Chile and Africa. Mr. Butler currently serves as a Director of TSX-listed Millennial Lithium Corp (ML), President and CEO of TSX-listed Superior Mining International Corp (SUI) and CEO and Executive Director of ASX-listed Audalia Resources Limited (ACP). Mr. Butler holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Otago University of Dunedin, New Zealand (1983) and is registered as a Fellow of the Australasian Mining and Metallurgy (AusImm), member of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Fellow Member of the Society of Economic Geology USA and member of the Geological Society of London (FGS) since 2011.
Mr. Dardi is a graduate of the UBC School of Law and is a senior B.C. lawyer and businessman with over 30 years experience. He practiced with McCarthy Tetrault, First City Financial, and TELUS Corporation. While at TELUS he also held the senior officer position, Vice President and Corporate Secretary. Mr. Dardi specializes in securities law, corporate governance, financing, and mergers and acquisitions. He was Special Projects Consultant to Mr. Jimmy Pattison in 2004 and 2005. He also served on the Board of Directors and the Compensation Committee of Concert Properties. Mr. Dardi was chair of the Board of Trustees of a major pension plan with assets in excess of $2 billion. Mr. Dardi also founded and currently chairs a private mining company with a focus on the Yukon Territory.